Sunday 16 March 2008

Woman, the glory of man

I thought I'd take this opportunity to elaborate on the verse - 1 Cor 11:7, which is found to be this blog's verse. I'd just copy / quote directly from one of my favourite authors ya? :)

1 Corinthians 11:7 NIV
The woman is the glory of man.

To be referenced as "the glory" is the ultimate of compliments. Here it describes a relational dynamic. It is more than a declaration of value; it lends clarification of our unique reflective role. Just as the man reflects strength, the woman reflects beauty in its many forms. Before there is even a chance of anyone getting a bit of attitude, let's review this in the light of two truths: (1) Women are an answer, not a problem, and (2) the description of woman as the man's glory was never meant to demean or belittle her role or feminine contribution. It was meant to uplift by assigning value and honor.

So what is glory? Glory denotes magnificence, splendor, beauty, and wonder. Women accurately represent this reflection in the male-female relational dynamic. Glory is further described as beauty that inspires feelings of wonder and joy. Doesn't this perfectly describe Adam's initial reaction to Eve? He was awestruck by all she awoke in him. She was the reflection and image of all he'd longed for but had yet to see in his surroundings or himself.

This reiterates the need men have for women. We add value and meaning to every aspect of their lives. Women are created in the image of God, but bear a glory different from that reflected by men. Men and women are equal, but not interchangeable. We do not hold the position of first created, but we hold the honor of being the crowning finale. The man was made from dirt, and the woman was wonderfully made for a garden.

The Bible never said it was wrong for the woman to be alone, only that it was not good for the man to be by himself. Eve was his helpmeet, the one who made up for all he lacked. Never doubt the value and importance of this role.

As women, it is our season to transfer honor and title. No one can take this privilege away, for we are of the royal lineage of the daughters of Sarah. We are destined to crown Jesus with the honor only we can bestow upon Him as our beloved King. He has given us His royal name, and we are simply bestowing the honor of the victory He has already won. Women have been entrusted with the privilege of adorning the body as a bride in preparation for our Lord's return.

Look around you. Authentic women are arising the world over, declaring His love and truth and recovering their former glory. I am an answer. I am wise and beautiful. I have favor and honor to bestow. I am a daughter of the Most High God, who inspires awe and wonder.


Anonymous said...

Good thoughts...who was the author?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really like this, I was just studying this verse and wasn't sure what to think about it all, my heart actually hurt a little but the idea of woman being the glory of a man and that being an ultimate compliment totally changed my perspective, great blog!

Rafael Lopez said...

Beautiful! I just want to add: " Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Genesis 5: 2. When God created Adam, Eve was already created together with Adam. They were one flesh. God separated them so they could procreate. She is full of glory but that glory depends on him to be manifested. She needs to hear her husband b saying all that she is so her glory could be activated and then man can take that power and ability she has to lead the way. Remember, we were created in God's image and the woman has the characteristics of the Holly Spirit. The Father has the Vision, the son speaks (The Verb) His Vision and the Holly Spirit put the power and ability. She knows how. I will write an article on this subject soon. Thank you for reading.